How We Invest
Our Strategy
- Establish a strategic asset allocation which is expected to achieve the Foundation’s long-term return objective to preserve Foundation purchasing power.
- No attempt is made to time the market or change strategy based on near-term outlook.
- Diversify the portfolio by asset class and strategy. This reduces risk and increases the likelihood of achieving the return objective under different economic and market conditions.
- Investments are required to meet socially responsible guidelines.
Asset allocation
The Foundation’s assets are well-diversified using a long-term strategic approach.
- 59% of the assets are invested in equity securities, 29% are invested in fixed income, 10% in alternatives and the remaining 2% and cash and equivalents.
- Within the equity portion of the portfolio, the Foundation invests in large cap, mid cap and small cap companies as well as international and emerging market companies.
- The portfolio is designed to allow the Foundation to support its mission. While there is a risk associated with equities, the return potential over the long-term is essential to portfolio growth as investing in fixed income strategies alone does not provide enough return to support the long-term objective of the Foundation. The diversifying strategies, including defensive
equity, inflation hedge and real assets, increase the diversification of the portfolio and assist in managing risk.
How we oversee our portfolio
Investment Committee — Monitors performance, asset allocation, manager allocations and manager style adherence.
Marquette Associates – Brings together the real-world experience of their people and industry leading expertise to build long-term relationships with their clients. Their focused service approach centers each client’s unique objectives and circumstances to build and effective investment program that meets their needs. Their careful research is known for its practical engagement of them most important issues investors face – presented in clear, concise deliverables.
Marquette Associates investment consulting services help institutions like the Foundation control the three key factors that lead to successful investment programs and fiduciary responsibility – risk, quality, and cost.
Through a customized investment portfolio that follows the Socially Responsible Guidelines for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Marquette Associates determine the appropriate asset classes, seek opportunities to add risk-adjusted value, manage risk parameters, and provide ongoing due diligence.
Total Portfolio Investment Performance vs Benchmark as of December 31, 2024
| 1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year | 7 Year | 10 Year | | |
The Foundation | 9.8% | 2.0% | 5.2% | 4.8% | 5.7% |
Policy Benchmark¹ | 11.0% | 3.3% | 6.8% | 6.4% | 6.5% |
CPI +5 | 8.0% | 9.4% | 9.4% | 8.8% | 8.2% |
60% MSCI AC/40% Barclays Capital Aggregate | 10.8% | 2.4% | 6.1% | 6.1% | 6.2% |
The Policy Benchmark is defined in the Foundation's Investment Policy Statement and representative of a passive weighting to the underlying asset class targets.